I thought I would go back to the beginning and write about how it all started. The night before I was admitted to the hospital, Tuesday, December 17th, I had a wonderful baby shower! (thank you flower mound ladies!) Little man must have been too excited from seeing all of the cute clothes he was going to wear!
Last preggo picture |
The next morning I woke up feeling wet - not sure if I wet myself or if there was something else going on, but I was a little worried. I called my mom wondering what I should do and she said go to the doctor, and that it never hurts to get yourself checked out! I called my doc and they told me to come in whenever I could—Jason was at work, but luckily they were super flexible and let him leave so he could come with me to the doctor. As we left the house, there was a thought in my mind that I might not be back for a while, but I put that thought aside because I was pretty sure nothing was wrong. Jason and Cliff came home and gave me a blessing, then we were off to the hospital.
We had to wait a half hour or so to see the doctor. She did an ultrasound and said there was plenty of amniotic fluid and the baby looked good—sigh of relief! She said she wanted to look at my cervix just to make sure everything was ok down there. Right after she examined me, I noticed a worried look on her face. She told me I was dilated to a 2 and the amniotic sac was bulging out of my cervix! I have what is called an incompetent cervix. The weight of the baby was too much for my cervix to handle and so I started to become dilated. My doctor said I would be put on bed rest immediately and it was a good things I decided to come in. Ok, I thought to myself, I can do bed rest. Then she told me I would be on bed rest at the hospital. Until the baby was born... I cried. Not the news you want to hear a week before Christmas. This was going to change our plans big time. We were supposed to drive to Utah in two weeks to go back to school. We had a lot of decisions to make. My doctor (who is so sweet by the way, if you live in Plano and need an OBGYN, Christina Woods is amazing!) walked me up to Labor and Delivery to get me admitted for preterm labor.
A lot happened over the next few hours—I really wished I had gone to the bathroom before being officially put on bed rest! Using a bed pan is no bueno. After getting me situated with IV's, monitoring contractions and the baby, and doing a bunch of tests, a NICU doctor and nurse came in to speak with us. The whole time I was thinking, wow this is really early to be talking about us having a premature baby, I just got admitted! This isn't going to happen to us, I'm going to stay pregnant for a while. The neonatologist told us survival rates and all the major medical risks, defects and concerns of having a premature baby. I think we were all a little overwhelmed by all the information we heard that day. I also can't remember much of what he said because I was only half paying attention. I honestly did not think I would be going into "real" labor anytime soon or that I would have a premature baby.
The monitors strapped to me showed that I was having light contractions, but not anything that I could feel. Dr. Woods started me on a Magnesium Sulfate drip to slow down my contractions. I was also given two steroid shots to help the baby start producing surfactant, a fluid that coats the lungs. The magnesium made me feel pretty crummy. Every time I turned my head I had double vision and felt really dizzy. My skin felt really hot and flushed and my throat was constantly dry. My limbs felt heavy and immovable—a nurse turned me every few hours since I couldn't really move on my own. I was on magnesium for 24 hours. I didn't sleep much that night, my nurse would come and check in on me every hour and someone from laboratory would draw my blood every 4 hours. I remember looking over at Jason sleeping on the couch and wishing I could fall asleep too. It was a long night.
Contraction monitor |
The next day I had another ultrasound to check on the baby. My fluid still looked great and baby did too. Also, Dr. Woods said it looked like the bag was no longer bulging through my cervix (great!), but I was still dilated to a 2 and at risk to have it bulge again. At this point, it had been 24 hours since I started Mag, so the nurses stopped the drip, took off the monitors and removed the catheter. I felt so free! I had been staying in a room in labor and delivery during this time so I could be closely monitored. Dr. Woods decided to move me to the antepartum ward, which is for pregnant women on hospital bed rest like me. I also was given bathroom privileges, which I was so excited about! You never appreciate going to the bathroom on your own more than after having a catheter and using a bed pan...
My stay for the next 5 days was pretty uneventful. The baby's heart rate and my contractions were monitored twice a day for an hour. I typically had 1-2 contractions during that hour. Sometimes I could feel them, but it was just a slight tightening of my stomach and never painful. I wore compression boots on my calfs to prevent blood clots since I wasn't moving around too much. Nurses came in and out periodically to feel my stomach and check my reflexes. I started to settle in for the long haul and expected to be in the hospital for the next 3 months.
Jason's parents were so nice and brought me a tree, nativity and presents to make my room feel a little more like home. |
My goal was always "stay pregnant." |
I think Jason had it the worst during the week I was on bed rest. He slept on this couch/bench that converted into a bed. It didn't look too comfortable, but at least it was long enough for him. I was so happy to have him with me as much as I did—especially at night. It would have been hard for me to fall asleep alone. Jason was also running back and forth from home and the hospital every day to get me things I needed and also he could have a break and be human for a few hours and do things like go to the gym and shower. We're lucky that the hospital is only 15 minutes away from my in-law's house.
Any time I started to think about not being able to go outside or even leave my room I just thought about what would happen if I had never gone to the doctor. I probably would have had the baby the day I was admitted to the hospital. There were so many things that happened to lead me to exactly where I was supposed to be. I knew that I was in the right place with the best care. Every day I stayed pregnant was better for my baby and gave him a better chance of survival.
For the five days leading up to Christmas Day, I got to open up a present every night! |
So many people came to visit me while I was in the hospital! My church bishop came several times, Lauren & Steven, Brooke & Christian, Katie & Brian, Stephanie and of course Jason's family. I am truly grateful for everyone that came and brought me games and books to keep me entertained! It meant so much to me and really improved my spirits. Thank you also to everyone who has sent us uplifting texts, Facebook messages, cards and kept us in your thoughts and prayers. We know our little Eli has been blessed because of you.
–Birth story to follow in the next post–