Wednesday, January 8, 2014

No News Is Good News

Sorry we haven't written in a few days. Just know that "no news is good news"—most of the time. Eli has been doing well recuperating from his surgery. His ventilator levels go up and down depending on how tired he is. Today his levels went up a little bit, but that's not the end of the world. The trend is good, so if he continues on like this, he will most likely be off the vent in a week or so and back on CPAP. Emily won't be able to hold him again until next week.

We're crossing our fingers, but there haven't been any more positive fungus cultures! If one or two more days pass without a positive culture, Eli's PICC Line can stay in. If a positive culture does come back, he will need a Broviac Catheter.

Today Eli was very alert and looking around a lot. His skin color looks really good, and he seems very active and content. Ever since his umbilical arterial line came out, he's been getting almost daily IV's (IV's don't last very long in premies). They usually put the IV's into his feet, but today they gave his feet a break and put the IV into his head.

Right now things are pretty calm. He has great doctors, and has been receiving excellent care from the nurses.

1 comment:

  1. GRACIAS por tomarse el tiempo para compartir como va Eli. Estamos en orando y ayunando por Eli y por cada uno de ustedes. Cada dia le impongo las manos y veo como va mejorando gracias a el AMOR de Dios y de tanta gente que ora y ayuna por el. Les enviamos mucho amor y fuerza en su caminar. El Salmo 23 es mi favorito, si tienen tiempo rezenlo juntos. "El Senor en mi pastor, nada me falta". Celebren la VIDA!!! Love.
