Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Lots of Progress

Eli has been able to stay on CPAP this entire week! We've been so happy and excited with his progress. The doctors have slowly weened down the pressure support of the CPAP and Eli has been tolerating it really well! The only bummer about CPAP is not being able to see much of his face since the system requires a bigger tube. We call him our little rhino.

Eli also hit 5 pounds this week! Such a big accomplishment since it is more than double his birthweight. The doctors are amazed at his ability to gain even though he is unable to process the full nutrition of my milk because of his intestinal issues. 

An occupational therapist works with Eli every few days and says that he has developed really well. His motor skills are better than most at his age - he can even interlock his fingers together! He also is really strong and has great muscle tone. When I hold him, he can lift his head entirely off of my chest for a few seconds. 

The doctors are thinking about reconnecting Eli's intestines. A surgeon still has to come and evaluate him to see if he is ready, but we anticipate it will happen in the next week or so. We will keep you posted and as always are grateful for your continued thoughts and prayers. 


  1. GRACIAS DIOS por el milagro de la vida de Eli!!!! Cada dia oramos por Eli y por toda la familia y yo voy a visitarlo espiritualmente. Que alegria tan grande verle tan bien, creciendo y fortaleciendo su espiritu...y ustedes tambien...han crecido mucho espiritualmente en este tiempo. Seguimos en oracion por cada uno. Mucho animo en todo momento!!! Los queremso mucho!!! :)

  2. Fantastic news. Thank you for the update.
