Friday, September 26, 2014

9 month update

I figured it was about time for an update! Life has been INSANE over here. Jason and I are both back in school and are each taking a full load of classes (crazy, I know). I'm taking most of my classes online so I can stay home with Eli. I planned my campus classes during Jason's breaks at school so he can come home and watch Eli. Jason also works part-time at the MTC. Our life has basically been Eli, eat, sleep, school, study, and work.

Today was Eli's 9 month check-up with the doc! Here are his stats:
weight: 16 lbs 2 oz (3rd percentile - finally on the chart!)
length: 28 1/2 in (57th percentile)
head circumference: 17 1/2 in (42nd percentile)

We have a long skinny baby :) Overall the pediatrician says he is doing great! Eli qualified for Synagis shots this year (protects against RSV) so we will be making monthly visits for those starting in November.
Eli had to get his toe pricked, but he handled it like a champ!

Here are 9 fun facts about Eli:

1. Eli has turned into a little rolly-polly! We were worried about him getting behind in his development, but he's really doing well! A therapist comes to our apartment every other week to work with him and she says he's making great improvements.

2. Eli will eat pretty much anything, which is awesome! His favorites are squash and pears. When we moved to Utah Eli started a breastfeeding strike which was a total bummer never ended. So I have been back to pumping for the past three months. As much as I don't want him to grow up, I am also counting down the days to his first birthday so I can finally be done with pumping!

3. Eli loves his exersaucer. While he's eating breakfast, he will look at it the entire time. Or if he's doing tummy time, he stares at it until we put him in. I love to watch him squeal while he plays with all the toys.

4. A not-so-favorite habit, Eli has been waking up in the middle of the night crying super hard. And in general not sleeping too great. Getting him to bed is difficult and he wakes up several times before going to bed for good. I don't know if he's going through a growth spurt or what, but needless to say, night time is not my favorite time.

Ryan serenading Eli. I have no idea how he got into this position haha

5. Something funny he has just started doing is scratching his head. The times he does it are so random and funny that Jason and I just sit and laugh at him.

6. He loves fabric. He sometimes gets cranky while I'm pumping so I throw a burp cloth on his face and he's seriously entertained for 20 minutes. It's great!

As we were getting ready to head for the BYU game I asked Jason to get Eli's hat....he came back with this one

7. Eli has the best giggles and smiles! His extra ticklish spot is the back of his neck, guaranteed he will always laugh.

8. He's just started to do this scary thing with his swing. Whenever one of us leaves the room he starts to roll onto his tummy in his swing like he's trying to escape or something. Normally, we turn him back over before he gets into danger. Today I was saying goodbye to Jason at the door and Eli started to cry. We both looked over at him and Eli had rolled onto his tummy and was slowly sliding off the swing while holding onto the sides for dear life.
He looked a little like this:

Looks like we're going to have to start using the safety buckle from now on...

9. Eli loves his dad. My favorite part of the day is when Jason comes home and watching Eli's face light up in happiness. I love that they are best friends :)


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